What have we learned in the end?|O que aprendemos afinal?

Já faz mais de um mês que nossa viagem pelo nordeste terminou. Aos poucos as lembranças, os aprendizados, as novas amizades vão se sedimentando em nossos corações. Pouco à pouco vamos decodificando o que esta viagem realmente representou em nossas vidas.

It has been over a month since our trip through the […]

What have we learned in the end?|O que aprendemos afinal?


Way out of Climate Change? Us

Monbiot just published his take on the outcome of the Copenhagen Summit, comparing this and future climate negotiations to the orchestra on the Titanic. As the reason for failure of the summit, he singles out the non-inclusive negotiation approach of the biggest emitters (notably China and the US) used to satisfy their […]

Way out of Climate Change? Us


Sign the Charter for Compassion

Great initiative to combat violence in whatever form (verbal, physical, emotional) it may appear, and a reminder that change starts with ourselves:

The principle of compassion lies at the heart of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions, calling us always to treat all others as we wish to be treated ourselves.

Sign the Charter for Compassion


Opção Terra

Neste livro, Leonardo Boff fundamenta, de forma resumida porém profunda e científica, porque precisamos repensar nosso paradigma de vida atual. Para ele “(nosso) modelo em termos da lógica do cotidiano era e continua sendo: o importante é acumular grande número de meios de vida, de riqueza material, de bens e serviços a fim de […]

Opção Terra


Are we a lost generation?

Watch this Video and see what you think:

[youtube 42E2fAWM6rA]

Translation support - Suporte nas traduções: Manuela Sampaio